It has been so Green and nice here in Simi Valley CA with wild flowers blooming and the mother earth painting a beautiful landscape! I am loving it <3
I have been working on a few projects off line and will look to share some details with all of you soon. However, there is one unique project that I completed with 2 super talented guys!! Music producer Bruno @catriomusic and Tattoo Artist Joao Bosco @joaoboscoart
If you haven’t heard to our first project please check: SKULLS SNAKES & the FLOWER of DEATH – THE CULT OF THE SERPENT
On iTunes , Spotify, YouTube, and Google Play.
Also check to have the music on record vinyl, together with the Book SSFD vol2 . The two items come in a luxurious limited BoxSet. 🇧🇷🇮🇳
I am working on another project with them and here is a short snippet :
There is more news though !!
Here is a sneak peak of another project that I am working on with Producer Ken Elkinson:
There is a Indian Ragas For Kirtans Workshop planned for Grass Valley, CA in June
Indian Raga for Kirtan Workshop in Grass Valley
Then there is Moksha Festival in the end of June.
moksha festival 2019
So many exciting things happening !! My World Music Band Atmasandhi is set to play a live show on May 11th at the Write Off Room in Woodland Hills. Can’t wait to meet all of you.